about me
my name is andrew yurovchak. i currently reside in hoboken nj, where i am a computer science student at the stevens institute of technology, set to graduate in may 2026.
i enjoy learning new programming languages and creating new things. i have a portfolio of side projects i have made over the span of a couple years, which all stem from a liking of doing interesting/useful things with unfamiliar technology.
last summer, i interned as a software engineer at jacobs technology, where i worked on c# applications that loaded navigational data onto military aircraft. this year, i am the head of development & risk at the stevens student managed investment fund, where i lead a team of 5 developers and work on web tools for the rest of the fund.
i am currently open to opportunities anywhere in the us for the summer of 2025. you can view my resume below.
my projects
here are a couple of projects i am really proud of:
- collab-notepad: i built an online collaborative text editor in elixir and svelte, for which i wrote and tested my own conflict resolution algorithm that prevented edit conflicts. the result of this is that editors can pull changes from the server without pushing, and vice versa. live website github repository
- qart: i figured out how to make russ cox's qart codes, and wrote a rust command line application that makes them. it is published as a crate on crates.io, which has close to 1000 downloads. crate github repository
- md-sticky: i found myself disliking the editor of the default sticky notes app that comes with macos, and rather than pay for one i liked i decided to make my own with tauri (rust & svelte). it is now something i use daily, while i iron out bugs as i find them. github repository
contact me
you can email me at andrew@baetylboy.biz, and view the latest version of my resume here.