about me

my name is andrew yurovchak. i currently reside in hoboken nj, where i am a computer science student at the stevens institute of technology, set to graduate in may 2026.

i enjoy learning new programming languages and creating new things. i have a portfolio of side projects i have made over the span of a couple years, which all stem from a liking of doing interesting/useful things with unfamiliar technology.

last summer, i interned as a software engineer at jacobs technology, where i worked on c# applications that loaded navigational data onto military aircraft. this year, i am the head of development & risk at the stevens student managed investment fund, where i lead a team of 5 developers and work on web tools for the rest of the fund.

i am currently open to opportunities anywhere in the us for the summer of 2025. you can view my resume below.

my projects

here are a couple of projects i am really proud of:

contact me

you can email me at andrew@baetylboy.biz, and view the latest version of my resume here.